Very first gumoil print(s)!
After Gordon Holtslander introduced me to gumoil, and Jim Hoyle pointed me in the right direction with a Karl Koenig video-- and I managed to snag Koenig's book, Gumoil Photographic Printing, for a mere $30-- I was intrigued.
This is my first gumoil. No bleaching or etching was done, and only one layer of oil here. It could be better, for sure, but not a bad start. A fascinating process. I look forward to doing more.
This particular image (umbrella tree) itself was made by Art Howard, videographer and still photographer extraordinaire.
I've added a few more gumoils here since this first one I made above. This is a very difficult process, and these are not yet where I want them to be, but here's what I printed so far that's worthy of being posted.