As images of sanctuary from imminent virulent danger afforded by uninhabited places, works from this series produce a lenticular “double vision” : a nostalgic yearning for less precarious times, and more disturbingly, a foreshadowing of a post-human future where natural vegetation thrives unhindered.”

~Melissa Rombout (Curator of Alchemy of Nature, shown at The Cardinal Gallery, Toronto (Sept 2022-January 2023)

I view landscapes like people -- dynamic and ever-changing, beautiful in their own way, and often impermanent. These landscape images I made in various locations and with a variety of printing processes.  Most of these images are North Carolina landscapes I know very well (e.g., Kudzu; Burley Tobacco; Middle Island; Cape Fear).  Others are strangely foreign, such as Saint Sebastian on the Hill, or Utah Desert, and yet also oddly familiar-- as if seen in a dream.

Please click on each image for a larger view and details.