Oh my! My books are in a book! Well, actually, they're featured in Issue 2 of Analog Forever Magazine-- which is really more like a keep-forever stunningly gorgeous book, than a magazine. I just received my copies (and yes; I ordered a few!). I am truly honored to have my work included among such fine artists. I've attached just a couple of pictures here, including that stunning cover image, by Michael Kenna. An enormous thank you to all who worked so tirelessly on this issue-- well worth the wait. And a special thank you to Michael Kirchoff (who took notice of my books in the first place), and asked such thoughtful, insightful questions. I love the design and layout (all the layouts- and all the writing!)-- but that my books were given such space and such breathing room-- I so appreciate-- and the color-- spot on. Such perfection throughout this entire issue, and each article, each interview, and the imagery-- all so unique, and yet it all flows beautifully, one into the other. And I would be saying all this even if my work wasn't in it! I'm awestruck and seriously touched by the careful attention to every detail-- really well done! Thank you to the entire team at Analog Forever Magazine! (Analog Forever Cover image by Michael Kenna)